EpiK Protocol Governance Whitepaper

愿景 Vision
EpiK Protocol 铭识协议中 EpiK 取名于 “Epigraphic Knowledge”, 即在石碑上铭刻的知识。我们致力于借助区块链技术打造一个去中心化的共建共享共益的安全可信知识图谱协作平台,通过可信存储、可信激励、可信治理和可信金融四大核心能力,以极低的管理成本组织全球社区用户共同协作,将人类各领域知识转化为AI可以理解的知识图谱数据,开阔AI的认知,推动认知智能时代的到来。
“EpiK” was derived from “Epigraphic Knowledge”, which means the deciphering of knowledge previously recorded on stele. At EpiK Protocol, we envision to build a global collaborative decentralized knowledge graph by applying four core trusted capabilities – trusted storage,trusted incentive,trusted governance and trusted finance, to organize the collaboration among global knowledge community users with an extremely low costs. Thus transferring human knowledge in various domains into an eternal knowledge graph, which broadens AI’s horizons and usher in the era of cognitive intelligence.
1. 背景介绍 Background
我们在 EpiK 铭识协议白皮书中,描述了领域专家、赏金猎人、知识节点和知识网关四类核心参与者的职责,并在 EpiK 经济白皮书中介绍了这四类核心角色的收益。其中,领域专家负责将人类知识定义为AI能理解的知识图谱格式,然后组织采集和验收知识图谱数据,并将这些数据填充到该领域的链上知识图谱库中供所有社区成员共享,根据贡献数据的多少获得对应收益;赏金猎人则是辅助领域专家完成人工采集和验收任务,帮助其完成自动化工具无法完成的工作,根据完成任务多少获得对应收益;知识节点负责存储链上各领域知识图谱数据,并提供数据下载服务,根据存储文件的多少获得对应收益;知识网关负责将链上数据按照不同领域分别下载下来,并在本地构建数据索引对外提供高速数据访问服务,根据读取的数据多少支付对应成本。在 EpiK 主网 1.0 “罗塞塔” 上线时,针对经济模型中的各个参数我们都将会设置一个默认数值。但随着 EpiK 生态发展,不同角色创造的价值是不断动态变化的,为了保障 EpiK 社区的可持续发展,社区需要有能力动态调节四类角色彼此之间的资源分配方案。以上仅仅是赏金猎人的方面,EpiK的四类角色都面临这些问题。这便是 EpiK 治理模型设计的初衷。
In EpiK Protocol Whitepaper, we describe the responsibilities of four core participants, namely domain experts, bounty hunters, knowledge nodes, and knowledge gateways, and introduce the benefits of these four core roles in EpiK Economic Whitepaper. Among them, Domain Expert is responsible for defining human knowledge as a knowledge graph format that AI can understand, then organizing the collection and acceptance of knowledge graph data, and filling these data into the corresponding domain of on-chain knowledge graph database for all community members to share, then obtain corresponding benefits according to the amount of contributed data. Bounty Hunters assist domain experts to complete manual collection and acceptance tasks, help domain experts to complete the work that automated tools can not complete, then obtain corresponding benefits according to the amount of completed tasks; Knowledge Node is responsible for storing the knowledge graph data of each domain on the chain and providing data download services, then obtain corresponding benefits according to the number of stored files; Knowledge Gateway is responsible for paying corresponding costs to download the data on the chain according to different domains and provide high-speed data access service to the outside by building the data index locally. When EpiK Mainnet 1.0 “Rosetta” is launched, we will set a default value for each parameter in the economic model. However, with the development of EpiK ecology, the value created by different roles is constantly changing dynamically. In order to ensure the sustainable development of EpiK community, the community needs to be able to dynamically adjust the resource allocation scheme among these four types of characters, this is the original intention of EpiK governance model design.
2. 设计原则 Principle of Design
治理本身不直接解决矛盾,但是它提供了解决矛盾的工具。EpiK治理模型设计的目的就是给 EpiK 社区提供解决局部矛盾以获得全局利益最大化的工具。为了实现这一目的,我们在设计治理模型时遵循了如下两大基本原则。
Governance itself does not directly solve conflicts, but it provides tools to solve conflicts. The purpose of EpiK governance model design is to provide the EpiK community with a tool to solve the local conflicts to obtain the overall benefit maximization. To achieve this goal, we followed two basic principles when designing the governance model.
2.1. 信息公开原则 Principle of Information Disclosure
在 EpiK 治理模型中,我们将采用去中心化自治组织(DAO)的形式来进行去中心化治理。DAO 是一种借助区块链智能合约进行提案治理的形式,在 DAO 中,所有的提案、投票和执行信息都将在区块链上实时公开并留存记录且任何人不得篡改,所有 DAO社区的成员都可以在无需许可的情况下监督和参与治理的全过程。
In the EpiK governance model, we will adopt the form of Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for decentralized governance. DAO is a form of proposal governance with the help of blockchain smart contract. In DAO, all proposals, votes and execution information will be disclosed and recorded on the blockchain in real time and no one can temper with it. All members of the DAO community can supervise and participate in the whole process of governance without permission.
2.2. 利益相关原则 Interest Relevance Principle
在 EpiK 治理模型中,每个人仅在和自己利益相关的提案中享有投票权。这意味着,同一个账户在不同提案中的投票权是不一样的,其大小取决于该账户和这个提案的利益关联程度。完全不相关,投票权为0;关联程度越深,投票权越大。
In the EpiK governance model, everyone only has the right to vote in proposals related to their own interests. This means that the voting power of the same account in different proposals is different, and power size depends on the interest relevance degree between the account and the proposal. Completely irrelevant, voting power is 0; the deeper the degree of relevance, the greater the voting power.
在这一章,我们将从“Proposals, Votes, Rulings, and Awards”4个方面来介绍EPIK DAO
In this chapter, we will introduce EpiK DAO from four parts: Proposals, Votes, Rulings, and Awards.
3.1. 发起提案 Proposals
任何人都可以发起一个提案,但为了防止过多无意义的提案占用社区治理资源,每发起一个提案都需要花费99 EPK,这部分 EPK 将被直接销毁。如果你已经看过我们的经济白皮书,可能会想到领域专家申请其实就是一种特殊的提案。
Anyone can initiate a proposal, but in order to prevent too many meaningless proposals from occupying community governance resources, each proposal will cost 99 EPK, which will be directly destroyed. If you’ve already read our Economic Whitepaper, you might realize that the Domain Expert Application is a special kind of proposal.
针对不同的需求,EpiK DAO 将提案划分为三种类型,公投提案,存储生态提案和知识生态提案,每个类型下的提案模板如表1所示。
For different needs, EpiK DAO divided proposals into three types, namely referendum proposal, storage ecology proposal and knowledge ecology proposal. The proposal template under each type is shown in Table 1.

表1. EpiK治理提案一览表
Table 1. List of EpiK governance proposals
当我们需要发起提案时,首先选择提案分类,然后选择具体的提案模板,将期望修改的方案作为选项一个个列举出来。然后遵循信息公开原则,提案人需要发送提案交易,消耗 99 EPK 将提案提交上链广播给全网,使 EpiK 社区所有成员都可以看见此条提案。
When we need to initiate a proposal, first, we select the proposal category, then select the specific proposal template, and list the options that we want to change one by one. Then, in accordance with the principle of information disclosure, the proposer needs to send the proposal transaction and spend 99 EPK to submit and broadcast the proposal to the whole network, so that all members of the EpiK community can see the proposal.
每条提案的投票有效时长为5天,为了避免给社区造成不必要的困扰,在同一时间,不能出现两个相同模板的提案。另外,同一时间未结束的提案总数不能超过 5 条。
The valid voting time of each proposal is 5 days. In order to avoid causing unnecessary disturbance to the community, two proposals with the same template cannot appear at the same time. In addition, the total number of pending proposals at any one time cannot exceed 5 cases.
3.2. 分配票权 Allocation of tickets right
在 EpiK DAO 中,每一个提案都会被分配到公投提案、存储生态提案和知识生态提案三种类型中的一种,而且同一个提案有且只有一种类型。划分的标准则是通过考察每个提案的影响范围来制定的。也正是因为每种提案影响的用户范围不同,遵循利益相关原则,参与不同类型提案投票的参与方式也都不尽相同,下面我们一一介绍。
In EpiK DAO, each proposal is assigned to one of three types: Referendum Proposal, Storage Ecology Proposal, and Knowledge Ecology Proposal, and there is one and only one type of the same proposal. The criteria are set by observing the impact scope of each proposal. Because each proposal influences different range of users, according to the principle of interest relevance, the way to participate in voting for different types of proposals is also different. Let’s introduce them one by one.
3.2.1 公投提案The referendum proposal
A referendum proposal is a proposal that is relevant to the interests of all token holders and more directly, it is a proposal that affects the supply and consumption of tokens in circulation through the network. For example, setting a minimum number of votes for domain expert activation directly affects the total number of tokens that are withdrawn from circulation due to participation in the domain expert vote.
Referendum proposals are the type of proposals with the largest scope of influence. Because they are related to the interests of all token holders, all token holders can vote. Moreover, following the principle of interest relevance once again, token holders who are more closely related with the interests of the referendum proposal should have more voting power. The specific way to obtain the voting power of the referendum proposal is shown in Formula (1).

每位持币用户的票权等于其为了参加公投提案投票而锁定起来的 EPK 的数量。需要注意,这部分锁定起来的 EPK,可以随时申请提现,但申请提现后有 90 天锁定期,锁定期到才能将 EPK 取出。这里锁定期长的原因是为了避免类似中心化交易所或者中心化代币托管服务使用用户的EPK参与治理,导致票权过于集中对整体利益不利。
Each token holder’s voting power is equal to the number of EPKs they have locked up for participating in voting on the referendum proposal. It should be noted that this part of locked EPK can apply for withdrawal at any time, but there is a 90-days lockup period after the withdrawal application, EPK can only be withdrawn after the lockup period. The reason for the long lock-up period is to avoid centralized exchanges or centralized token custody services use users’ EPK to participate in governance, which leads to the excessive concentration of voting rights, hurts overall interests.
参与公投治理的持币用户和参与票选领域专家的持币用户一样,都需要锁定 EPK,这意味着需要失去所持有 EPK 的流动性价值。因此,和票选领域专家一样,参与公投治理的持币用户也能分享到治理奖励,具体奖励方案将在本章奖励机制一节中详细描述。
Token holders who participate in the governance of the referendum, like those who participate in voting domain experts, all need to lock EPK, which means they need to lose the liquidity value of their EPK holdings. Therefore, just like voting for domain expert, users who participate in the referendum governance vote will also be able to share the governance rewards, specific rewards scheme is described in detail in the Reward section of this chapter.
3.2.2. 存储生态提案 Storage Ecology Proposal
The storage ecology proposal refers to a proposal that is only related to the interests of all knowledge nodes. For example, top number of nodes that store new files can get double computing power. This proposal will only affect the difficulty of knowledge nodes to get double computing power, thus affecting the income gap between each knowledge node.
According to the principle of interest relevance, all knowledge nodes can participate in the voting of the storage ecology proposal, and the distribution of voting power is shown as below.

The voting power of each knowledge node is equal to the amount of original computing power they have. Note, here the weight of vote is the original value of the knowledge nodes, and it is different with effective computing power, under normal circumstances, effective computing power of knowledge nodes is the same as original value of knowledge nodes, but if knowledge nodes are lucky enough to get a file’s double computing reward, the extra computing power will be added to effective computing power, original computing power will not change by the double computing power rewards.
不同于参与公投提案的持币用户,需要额外锁定 EPK 才能拥有投票权。参与存储生态提案治理的知识节点,不需要付出额外成本就拥有投票权。因此,参与存储生态提案投票的知识节点不会分到额外的治理奖励。
Unlike token holders who participate in the referendum proposal, they need to lock EPK in order to get voting rights. Knowledge nodes participating in the governance of storage ecology proposals have the right to vote at no additional cost. Therefore, knowledge nodes that participate in voting for the Storage Ecology proposal will not receive additional governance incentives.
3.2.3. 知识生态提案 Knowledge Ecology Proposal
A knowledge ecology proposal is a proposal that is relevant only to all knowledge data producers. For example, setting the method of calculating the weight of domain experts, this proposal will only affect how the domain experts distribute the benefits according to their contributions, and has nothing to do with non-domain experts. Of course, besides domain experts, bounty hunters are also producers of the knowledge data, and proposals that relate to the interests of bounty hunters are also part of the knowledge ecology proposal. For example, setting the address of the knowledge fund directly affects the rules for the distribution of bounty hunters’ earnings.
虽然领域专家和赏金猎人都和知识生态提案利益相关,但是赏金猎人本身就是持币用户,领域专家又是由持币用户票选出来的,为了提升知识生态提案的决策效率,此处仅允许领域专家参与知识生态提案投票。如果领域专家的投票无法代表赏金猎人的诉求,赏金猎人可以取消对领域专家的投票,因此不违背 EpiK DAO 的利益相关原则。
Although both domain experts and bounty hunters are related to knowledge ecology proposals, bounty hunters themselves are token holders, and domain experts are elected by token holders’ votes. In order to improve the decision-making efficiency of knowledge ecology proposals, only domain experts are allowed to vote for knowledge ecology proposals here. If the vote of the domain experts can not represent the appeal of the bounty hunters, bounty hunters can cancel the vote of the domain expert, thus will not violate
EpiK DAO’s principle of interest relevance.
Domain experts will participate in voting of the Knowledge Ecology proposal, and the distribution of votes is shown as below.

That’s one vote for one domain expert. Like the knowledge nodes that participate in the voting of the storage ecology proposal, domain experts do not have to pay extra costs to participate in the voting of the knowledge ecology proposal, and therefore do not receive additional governance incentives.
3.3. 结果仲裁 Arbitration
No matter what kind of proposal, voters can change their choice during 5-day voting period of the proposal, and the voting rights are calculated based on the votes held by voters in the last vote during the voting period.
为了避免一个提案在没有经过充分讨论的情况下就生效,EpiK DAO 设定了提案生效的两大裁决条件,第一个条件是每个提案需要有 33% 以上的有效票数参与投票,第二个条件是而且获票数最多的选项需要超过参与投票总票数的 50%。下面我们针对三种类型之一解释。
In order to avoid a proposal becoming effective without sufficient discussion, EpiK DAO set two arbitration conditions for the proposal to become effective. The first condition is that each proposal needs to have more than 33% of the valid votes on the ballot, and the second condition is that the option with the most votes needs to have more than 50% of the total votes on the ballot. Here we explain one of the three types.
按照裁决规则,对于公投提案,有效票数为所有流通代币都用于投票的票权总量,按照公式(1)计算下来,公投提案有效票数的值和流通代币总量一致。这就意味着,如果流通代币总量为 1000w EPK,那么有效票数就是 1000w,那么参与公投提案的总票权就需要超过333w才能触发裁决的第一个条件,这意味着有超过333w EPK 被锁定参与公投投票。这个条件并不容易达到,所以公投提案是需要社区谨慎考虑后才能做出的决定。除此之外,如果某个公投提案有多个选项,那么投票会被分散到多个选项中,这个时候需要有一个选项占据了超过 50% 的投票才能触发裁决的第二个条件。满足裁决的两个条件后,公投提案的结果才会被 EpiK DAO 自动执行。
According to the arbitration rules, for referendum proposals, the amount of effective votes is the total amount of votes for which all tokens in circulation are used to vote. The amount of effective votes for a referendum proposal is the same as the total amount of tokens in circulation when calculated according to Equation (1). This means that if the total amount of tokens in circulation is 10,000,000 EPK , the amount of effective votes is 10,000,000, then the total amount of votes to participate in the referendum proposal would need to exceed 3,330,000 to trigger the first condition of the ruling, which means that more than 3,330,000 EPK are locked to participate in the referendum vote. This condition is not easy to achieve, so the referendum proposal is a decision that requires careful consideration by the community. In addition, if a referendum proposal has more than one option, then the vote will be spread among the options, and one option will need to achieve more than 50% of the votes to trigger the second condition of the ruling. After the two conditions of the ruling are met, the result of the referendum proposal will be automatically executed by EpiK DAO.
对于存储生态提案,有效票数则是全网所有原值算力之和,假设其值为 3 T,那么触发裁决第一条件就需要超过 1T 的原值算力持有者参与投票,要触发裁决第二条件就需要这超过 1T 的原值算力持有者中超过 50% 投给同一个选项。这样,存储生态提案的结果才会被执行。对于知识生态提案,则是超过 33% 的领域专家参投,且其中超过 50% 都投给了同一个选项,投票结果才会被执行。
For the storage ecology proposal, the valid votes are the sum of all the original computing power of the whole network. Assuming its value is 3T, the first condition for triggering the ruling requires that more than 1T of the original computing power holders participate in the voting, and the second condition requires more than 50% of the original computing power holders over 1T vote for the same option. In this way, the results of the storage ecology proposal will be implemented. For the knowledge ecology proposal requires more than 33% of the domain experts participate in voting, and when more than 50% of these domain experts vote for the same option, the voting result will be executed.
3.4. 奖励机制 Rewards
参与存储生态提案和知识生态提案的用户无需为了获得票权付出额外的成本,因此不会获得额外的治理奖励。参与公投提案的用户则不同,他们需要额外锁定 EPK 来获得投票权,因此 EpiK DAO 为他们设计了额外的奖励机制。
Users who participate in the storage ecology proposal and knowledge ecology proposal do not have to pay additional costs in order to obtain voting rights, so they will not receive additional governance incentives. Users who participate in the referendum proposal are different, they will need to lock extra EPK to get the right to vote, so EpiK DAO designs additional incentive for them.
在经济白皮书中我们有描述,在 EpiK 主网上,每 30s 会产生的一个 Tipset ,其中会包含 115.2 EPK的新产生的代币,这部分代币总量是 700,000,000 枚,持续产生 50 年。这部分新产生的代币中,有 1% 会进入治理奖金池,即每个 Tipset 有 1.152 EPK 进入治理奖金池。
As described in the economic whitepaper, on the EpiK mainnet, a Tipset will be generated by every 30s, here will contain 115.2 EPK newly generated tokens, this part of total token amount is 700,000,000, which will last for 50 years. Of these newly generated tokens, 1% will go into the governance bonus pool, which means 1.152 EPK per Tipset will go into the governance bonus pool.
在 EpiK DAO 上线前,唯一的治理提案就是票选领域专家,而且给领域专家投票也需要锁定 EPK,所以治理奖金池里的 EPK 会全部分给参与领域专家竞选投票的用户。
Before EpiK DAO goes live, the only governance proposal was to vote for domain experts, and voting for domain experts also require locking EPK, so the EPK in the governance bonus pool will all distributed to the users who vote for the domain experts.
在 EpiK DAO 上线后,EpiK DAO 内参与公投提案投票的用户将会和给领域专家投票的用户共享这 1% 的治理奖金池。但由于领域专家投票申请提现的锁定期为 3 天,而公投提案投票的锁定期为 90 天,所以针对不同的锁定期,我们设计了一个优势因子,锁定期越长优势因子越大。两类投票的治理奖励占治理奖金池的比例就和各自锁定的总 EPK 和优势因子相关,具体如下所示。
After EpiK DAO goes live, users who participate in voting for referendum proposals within EpiK DAO will share the 1% governance bonus pool with users who participate in voting for domain experts. However, since the lockup period of withdrawal application for voting domain experts is 3 days, while the lockup period for voting referendum proposals is 90 days, we design an advantage factor for different lockup periods. The longer the lockup period is, the greater the advantage factor is. The proportion of governance rewards in the governance bonus pool of the two kinds of votes is related to the respective total locked EPK and dominance factor, as shown below.

With the distribution ratio of the two types of voting bonus pools, we can calculate the benefits of users who participate in the domain expert vote and the referendum proposal vote, as shown below. Where, i represents the current token-holding user, and j represents the current Tipset.

即每个Tipset里 1.152 EPK 进入治理奖金池,然后这笔EPK按照比例被分到了领域专家投票和公投提案投票的奖池。具体到参与两类投票的持币用户,则按照自己当前锁定的EPK在两个票池中的比例分两个奖池的收益。
That is, 1.152 EPK from each Tipset goes into the governance prize pool, and then this EPK is proportionally divided into the prize pool of the domain expert vote and the referendum proposal vote. Regarding the token holders who participate in the above two voting categories, they will divide the income of the two prize pools according to the proportion of their currently locked EPK in the two voting pools.
It is important to note that regardless of the type of vote, once you apply for a withdrawal, you will no longer enjoy the benefits of the governance bonus pool, even if you are still in the lock-up period.
4. 总结 Conclusion
EpiK DAO 治理的目标是持续修复 EpiK 社区的资源错配问题,使得50年内,每个时间段新释放的 EPK 都能够用到每个时间段最有价值的地方。EpiK DAO 将在主网 2.0 发布,在此之前,社区可以通过 Snapshot 工具参与治理,投票结果将由基金会记录后在主网2.0上线时进行修改。
The goal of the EpiK DAO governance is to continuously fix the resource mismatch in the EpiK community so that for 50 years, new released EPK can be used in the most valuable place in each time period. EpiK DAO will release on Mainnet 2.0, before that, the community can participate in governance through the Snapshot tool, and the voting results will be recorded by the Foundation and modified when Mainnet 2.0 is released.
治理模型是服务于经济模型的,经济模型是服务于项目使命的。EpiK 要花 50 年的时间组织全球社区成员将人类知识通过知识图谱的形式传授给 AI,希望所有 EpiK 的同行人能深入了解 EpiK,不仅能参与到知识图谱协作中贡献力量,更能参与到去中心化知识图谱生态的治理中投出关键一票。
The governance model serves the economic model, which serves the mission of the project. It will take EpiK 50 years to organize members of the global community to impart human knowledge to AI in the form of the Knowledge Graph. We hope that all the fellow EpiK will have a deep understanding of EpiK, not only participate in contribution to the collaboration of the Knowledge Graph, but also to cast a key vote in the governance of the decentralized Knowledge Graph ecology.