We are pleased to announce that EpiK Protocol, the world’s first decentralized storage protocol for AI data, made a strategic investment in DeHub, a blockchain’s all-in-one lifestyle hub & metaverse portal.
我们很高兴宣布 EpiK Protocol,全球首个面向 AI 数据的去中心化存储协议,战略投资 DeHub,一个一体化的去中心化游戏工会协议。
DeHub is a play, stream, and earn utopia fueled by a pioneering token economy that redistributes the power of entertainment to the hands of many as we propel into the new digital frontier.
DeHub 是一个集游戏、流媒体和赚钱的工会,由开创性的代币经济推动,随着我们进入新的数字前沿,它将娱乐的力量重新分配到许多人的手中。
DeHub provide user-friendly portal to a world of entertainment where users can engage in variety of ways directly on our dApps including barrier-free play-, watch- and learn-to-earn.
DeHub 提供用户友好的娱乐世界门户,用户可以直接在我们的 dApp 上以各种方式参与其中,包括无障碍游戏、观看和学习赚钱。
The strategic investment of EpiK Protocol in DeHub enables the team to accelerate the development of learn-to-earn dApps and to build its NFT Creator tools in a decentralized eternal storage, and to expand its NFT Mystery Boxes strategy. These are all to provide developers and gamers with an easy to onboard and fun blockchain gaming metaverse.
EpiK Protocol 对 DeHub 的战略投资使团队能够加速 Learn-to-Earn dApps 的开发,并利用去中心化永恒存储能力构建其 NFT Creator 工具,并扩展其 NFT Mystery Boxes 玩法。这些都是为了为开发者和游戏玩家提供一个易于上手和有趣的区块链游戏元世界。